A matter of attitude
"Our deepest fear is not that we are not adequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is not our darkness that frightens us, it is our light"
African Mamas
Yesterday, I was at a concert with 9 beautiful women of South Africa - and I was both inspired and ashamed of myself. These ladies stood on that stage and faced the world no matter what mistakes they've made or how far from the 'ideal' of beauty they were. And they were proud. Proud to be whatever they are, together and alone at the same time.
The day before the concert, I had a conversation with a friend of mine. Maybe shamefulness is a general theme for me these days. She reminded me that constructing your life around beliefs and principles is a battle - but it is one that can be won if you're willing to stick it out. But who said it would be easy?
So I am picking myself and my beliefs up and fighting on. I was really moved by the statement by the African ladies last night - that we are, as humans, more afraid to shine in the face of the world than we are to linger in our own darkness. To me, that seems truthful to the core. And truths moves me...